Kulima Tower Building, Katunjila Rd, Lusaka, Zambia
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat-Sun: Closed
0211-224393 / 0211-235361 / 0979951586
Suppliers of <span>Electronic</span> Equipment & Components, <span>Office</span> Equipment.

Equip Your Business

Offering the best service to our customers

JJB is the ideal supplier of all equipment items that pertain to the office environment, as experts in exquisite service support after acquisition of equipment, excellent service delivery and an honest commitment to its warranty agreements. JJB has earned its highly reputable reputation and has garnered for itself great acclaim from individuals, corporations and the Zambian government. All these crucial points have led to a substantially large customer base that only seems to be growing all the more in the near and distant future.

We offer service, support and warranty on all our products.

JJ Bunda.

Founder & Ceo

Our Services


Equipment Supply

JJB specialises in the supply of various electronic equipment items and caters for ensuring that your business it up to par and lacks nothing in regards to office equipment. We have a variety of products to suit the needs on any client.JJB specialises in the supply of various electronic equipment items and caters for ensuring that your business it up to par and lacks nothing in regards to office equipment. We have a variety of products to suit the needs on any client.


Equipment Repair

We deal with the restoration of damaged or failing equipment. JJB takes pride in being able to fix faulty equipment and bring it back to a state of seamless functionality as though it were a brand new device.



In the spirit of class and professionalism, JJB offers a warranty on all our products to our highly valued customers ensuring that should any malfunction or fault occur, you are ensured of repair or replacement within the stipulated time period.



We have expertise in the installation of various electronic equipment and components. We are available to help with the installation process to ensure that it is done perfectly and the equipment is handled carefully.



JJB offers continual support within the stipulated time period for all its products. Support is inclusive of guidance on how to use the equipment as well as physical aid from JJB to help dealing with any occurring problems.


Service Delivery

JJB is highly invested in ensuring the delivery of ever excelling service. We take pride in ensuring that we establish an admirable service culture, excellent quality of service, great employee engagement and all these lead to ensuring an excellent customer experience once delivery is completed.

Clients love us.

JJB Electronics has over 20 yrs of electronic services providing to corporate and government. We have large customer base and excellent delivery of services.


We are partners with leading electronic manufacturers.